Any output from any PowerShell cmdlet or script is sent to the pipeline, we will look at this in more detail in the next section, the pipeline has some default…
Any output from any PowerShell cmdlet or script is sent to the pipeline, we will look at this in more detail in the next section, the pipeline has some default…
In the previous section we looked at piping output to another command, we used it mainly to format the output of a command but we also looked briefly at how…
PowerShell has some things called PSProviders. PSProviders are .NET programs that allow easy access to data stores such as the file system, registry, certificate stores and the environment amongst other…
PSDrives are the presentation of a connected datastore by a PSProvider. They are repesented by a name. ProviderDrive(s)AliasAlias:CertificateCert:EnvironmentEnv:FileSystemC: (*)FunctionFunction:RegistryHKLM: HKCU:VariableVariable:WSManWSMan:Default PSProviders with their Name First of all lets see what…
Terminology OK, this has turned out to be a long post and we need to start with some terminology. Its important here to understand the names and acronyms so you…
What is a variable? This is an introduction to PowerShell and so this article will only discuss very basic variable types and information. If you want a more detailed discussion…
@DA_667 posted a twitter thread with a long list of resources that can aid someone starting out or on their Cyber Security journey. A large portion of the list below…