Lame – HTB Writeup

The third in my series of write-ups from HTB and The Cyber Mentor’s mid course capstone from his Practical Ethical Hacking Course, this time we are doing Lame

So as you should be aware by now we start with our normal reconnaissance using Nmap

sudo nmap -A -T4 -p-

and as you would expect we have some output

screenshot showing the output of an Nmap scan

So what does this tell us? Well we have open ports 21, 22, 139 and 445. That should tell you that we have FTP, SSH and SMB all running

What is the OS? What version of those services are running? The Nmap scan give us that information

screenshot of the Nmap scan output with the services and OS versions highlighted
  • FTP is running vsftpd 2.3.4
  • SSH is running on OpenSSG 4.7 for Debian
  • SMB is using Samba, 3.0.20 for Debian

As I’ve worked through the course material, TCM has suggested that SMB should be the first port of call, at the time I didn’t know that so I started with FTP

First of all, it tells us that anonymous FTP is allowed

Screenshot of Nmap output highlighting that FTP allows Anonymous login is allowed

What can we see if we login to FTP? Anonymous login from a terminal is easy

 Connected to
 220 (vsFTPd 2.3.4)
 Name ( anonymous
 331 Please specify the password.
 Password:<manually enter something/anything here>
 230 Login successful.
 Remote system type is UNIX.
 Using binary mode to transfer files.
screenshot of console connecting to ftp session with anonymous login

Have a look around using standard FTP commands

screenshot of the output from the ftp commands pwd & ls -al

As can be seen from the screenshots, there wasn’t much available via FTP, we were in the root directory for FTP and there were no other hidden directories we can move to.

Lets have a look at that FTP software version, is it exploitable? I used Searchsploit

searchsploit vsftpd

It looks as though it might be (excitement grew at this point)

screenshot showing the output of searchsploit with vsftpd exploit highlighted

Time to fire up Metasploit again


As I had checked using Searchsploit but I am still more comfortable using Metasploit I repeated the search in the msfconsole.

Set the options and run the exploit

search vsftpd
use 0
show options
set rhosts
Screenshot showing the msfconsole commands and output with listed commands highlighted

It seems that FTP, whilst there is a vulnerability in that version, wasn’t the route to success on this occasion.

back to the Nmap output, we have SSH and SMB. SMB is know to be vulnerable so I chose to have a look at that next.

The OS is Linux, reported as Debian and SMB on Linux uses Samba. The Nmap scan reports the Samba version as 3.0.20 – let’s check.

As mentioned, I am much more comfortable using Metasploit so I tried to search in the console

search samba 3.0.20

It brought back a lot of results and didn’t give any specific detail about versions

screenshot showing output of search in metasploit

So I tried Searcshploit and it did come back with a specific exploit for this version of Samba, but I couldn’t match it against anything in Metasploit. Maybe there is a way, I just don’t now it at this point.

So I turned to my old hacking friend Google. The first option led me to this exploit on the Rapid7 website, specifically listed for this version of Samba

I just copy and pasted the path and filename from the bottom of the web page into Metasploit and started the work as normal…

use /exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script
show options
set rhost

That should be that… you should end up with a command shell in the root directory as root.

screenshot showing the metasploit console commands and the command shell after successful exploit

It was along winded way round, but I got there in the end.

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