- Day 6 Goals
- Defining and calling functions
- The Hurdles Challenge
- Indentation in Python
- While Loops
- The Hurdles Challenge with while loops
- The Hurdles Challenge with variable heights
- Project: Escape the Maze
I lost all the code I’d written for this day because its online and I didn’t copy it.
At some point I will redo the exercises and copy the code here
The Hurdles Challenge: https://reeborg.ca/reeborg.html?lang=en&mode=python&menu=worlds%2Fmenus%2Freeborg_intro_en.json&name=Hurdle%201&url=worlds%2Ftutorial_en%2Fhurdle1.json
The Hurdles Challenge with while loops: https://reeborg.ca/reeborg.html?lang=en&mode=python&menu=worlds%2Fmenus%2Freeborg_intro_en.json&name=Hurdle%203&url=worlds%2Ftutorial_en%2Fhurdle3.json
The Hurdles Challenge with variable height and space: https://reeborg.ca/reeborg.html?lang=en&mode=python&menu=worlds%2Fmenus%2Freeborg_intro_en.json&name=Hurdle%204&url=worlds%2Ftutorial_en%2Fhurdle4.json